Textile/Clothing/Footwear Downstream (v.2008-1)

Action : Sales report

Document NameSales report
Document descriptionDaily sales report sent by retailer
Generalities or notes about the usageThis document contains the information about the sales
  • at a certain location
  • on a certain day
  • for a certain item (EAN code)
  • with a certain price (one line per price really paid)
    • The payload is the quantity of that item at that price. The information is used for the planning of deliveries in VMI or for the issuing of a concession invoice, if such financial model is chosen.
XML Implementation

Technical guide: http://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/os-UBL-2.0/UBL-2.0.pdf

XML Schema (eBIZ-TCF-v2008-1 customization of UBL 2.0): http://www.moda-ml.net/ebiz-retail/repository/schema/v2008-1/maindoc/eBiz-TCF-SalesReport.xsd

Textile Clothing Footwear use profile: http://www.moda-ml.net/ebiz-retail/repository/TCF-UseProfile/v2008-1/en/UBL-TCF-useprofile-Salesreport.pdf

EDI Implementationhttp://www.pranke.com/en/services/wwsprofil/index.htm
Sample of istanceshttp://www.moda-ml.net/ebiz-retail/repository/istanze/v2008-1/en/DI510-012p-v2-SalesReport.xml